
Thursday, November 10, 2005

How much of our lives is spent oscillating between two poles of laziness, and how much of it is spent in self-validating activity? What does it mean to labor? What does it mean to work intensely? Or what does it signify?

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It strikes me that the more I say about the anonymous commenters, the more anonymous commenting I will get.Much like the misguided instructions we always get re: bullies. "Just ignore them." Tsk, tsk.

Any comments on editorial pragmatism? On what makes a good editor of text versus a bad editor of text? Whether we have the right to inject ourselves, as editors, wholly into the text we're editing, or if tis nobler to hang back a little...?

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It strikes me that blogging is a bit like fishing. You cast out a line, and then another, and then lo and behold: an anonymous comment! There's something Eliotic about the anonymous comment, or at least modernist. It loiters, homelessly, waiting for someone to respond to it... Ah, poor little comment...

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